A series of illustrations created with the Finnish national epic ‘Kalevala’, an ancient saga describing the creation of the earth, the different peoples of the land, the wizard Väinämöinen and the mythical wealth-making machine Sampo.
Watercolour, ink and brush pen – 15x21cm*
*Text next to images from the translated Kalevala.
“Louhi, upon hearing the eradication of the disease, sends the great bear Otso to destroy the cattle and people of Kalevala. Väinämöinen instructs Ilmarinen to build him a spear to kill the bear. He heads out on the hunt, offering spoken charms to the lord of the forest and to the bear. Väinämöinen approaches the bear, which slips from its resting place and is killed in the fall. Väinämöinen comforts the bear.”
“Väinämöinen and Ilmarinen both go together to see the giant tree. Ilmarinen climbs it in an attempt to reach the Moon, at which point Väinämöinen sings up a storm that carries Ilmarinen off to Pohjola.”
“Väinämöinen, Lemminkäinen and Ilmarinen carry the Sampo back to their ship and proceed to leave Pohjola and return home. They agree to leave the Sampo in safety on a fir-covered island.”
“Lemminkäinen attempts to shoot a swan from the black river of Tuonela to receive the beautiful daughter of the North to marry. But instead he gets killed himself by a sea serpent.”